If you're looking for a book chock full of cat designs for a wide range of different cat crafting projects, check out Cat Designs: Patterns for Craftspeople and Artisans
More than 30 original designs convey the aloof attitude and languid posture beloved by cat lovers. They may be enlarged or reduced for use in a wide variety of crafts such as appliqué, card making, embroidery, glass, mosaics, quilting, silk or china painting, and stained glass.
The patterns, centered upon characteristic feline expressions ranging from “Where’s My Dinner?” to “Why Did You Stop Scratching Me?” each contain between 11 and 30 pieces, making them accessible to crafters with basic skills as well as advanced crafters seeking a quick, dramatic project.
While the illustrated examples are primarily designed for stained glass pieces, each provides an inspirational color guide for application to other crafts. In addition, line drawings are featured alongside each design, and a few technical tips are included for those choosing to execute the designs for stained glass construction.
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